We offer a diverse range of activites and events for our members.

Previous Classes
Previous classes have included:
- Art Appreciation
- Beginners' Art
- Bridge
- Card Making
- Curling
- Intermediate Art
- Mosaic Building
- Painting/Drawing
- Reading Group
- Reading with the Author
- Salsa Jive
- Sign Language
- Singing
- Stained Glass Creation
- Yoga
Something For Everyone
As you can see, we have a huge range of different activities - available for all skill levels. You will be made to feel very welcome whether it is your first time participating in one of the classes, or if you are experienced in activity.
There truely is something for everyone, whether you want to dance or just chat to new people over a coffee.
Get Involved
Our classes run in blocks and change throughout the year - you can find the latest class timetables and desciptions below.
Current classes - dates and times: DOWNLOAD (word) || DOWNLOAD (pdf)
About the current classes: DOWNLOAD (word) || DOWNLOAD (pdf)
Membership form available here: DOWNLOAD (word) || DOWNLOAD (pdf)
Gift Aid declartion form here: DOWNLOAD (word) || DOWNLOAD (pdf)